Identity Theft

They call me mom, they call me wifey, they call me sis, that’s not my name, that’s not my name!! (If you weren’t born in the 80’s or 90’s than you may want to google the song by Avril Lavigne, That’s Not My Name; then maybe my first sentence will seem clever, or not, whatever). We live in an era where women are more than they were ever before. Many of us are not only wives, but we are moms, working professionals, volunteers, and one of the many other hats we choose to wear. We have to-do lists that are never-ending; kind of like the laundry and toys that are inevitably strewn across the floor. And by god, if I step on one more Lego, I am throwing them all in a fire pit and watching them burn! But lets get real, all of those Legos cost an arm and a leg, so that is just one of my signature empty threats; damn I need to get better at follow through. Anyhow, by the end of our days, we are truly exhausted; mentally and physically. Why are we doing this to ourselves? That’s right, I said it, we are doing it to ourselves!


We literally introduce ourselves as “so-and-so’s wife” or “Jonny’s mom”. What the hell?! I have a name, and not only a name, but a lot of awesomeness behind it! I had this epiphany after my first born when she was about two years old. Granted I was only 20, but I remember thinking that I knew I was a wife, Paris’ mom, and co-owner of a local business we had in California, although I truly could not grasp anything beyond that. I had no hobbies, no additional interests, or anything else I could grasp onto to express myself. It was like having a mini mid-life crisis. Instead of considering my married life, my child, and my business, components of what made up me, it was literally the only thing I was. And this was my fault. And don’t get me wrong, I love being a wife and a mother, but I was so much more, I just didn’t know it yet.


The best advice I ever received was from a marriage counselor that my husband and I had been going to for a while. And yes, you will hear me reference counselors and therapists quiet often, as we have no shame in admitting that! I remember my husband telling our therapist how supportive I was in his hobbies (aka dirtbikes) and how much time and effort I put into him and his passions. She looked at me and asked this simple question, “So Catherine, what are your hobbies, what do you like to do?” I was dumb struck! Ummmm…I thought, laundry, cooking, cleaning…oh hell, I have nothing!! I had been putting blame on my husband for taking so much of my time, although in reality, I really had nothing else better to do with it! Wow, this was one of those moments when I thought to myself, “Who are you?!”


And don’t take me wrong, by no means do I think I have my shit together, but if that same therapist were to ask me that question today, oh lord would she get an earful!! I love to hike, I love all and any DIY projects, I love to cook, oh… and I love wine! If I can pass on any advice, it is to embrace your roles as a wife, mother, sister, etc, although separate your roles from your interests and passions. Balance the scales between your duties and your pleasures.